Saturday, August 29, 2015

Roma, Italia

So yesterday was my first day in Rome, Italy. I landed in Rome at 7:30am, which is 1:30am back home in the United States. I was super excited and still am to be overseas for my very first time. I am here studying abroad, as I mentioned in my previous post, to continue my major in Fashion Merchandising. Today has been a semi-hectic day; including the hassel at the airport to go through customs and baggage claim, even though that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and meeting up with the rest of the school that was studying abroad as well. I was mainly excited that I was studying abroad with my two best friends from school, which is making this experience even more enjoyable.

My Experience on the Plane

Honestly, my plane ride was a pretty decent one. The flight was actually quicker than it was supposed to be. The flight was supposed to be 9 hours but it was actually 8 hours. We got dinner and breakfast on plane as well. One tip I suggest, never underestimate the plane on the food. Always come prepared with a snack just in case you may not like the food. Also another tip is to always be polite to your seatmate... You never know whether or not they will be nice. I happened to sit next to a couple who were extremely nice and another girl who was studying abroad for a semester. It was a nice experience.

My Experience in Rome

My first day in Rome was actually amazing! It never hit me that I was in Rome until our tour guide took us around on a mini tour of our neighborhood. The area we are staying in felt like downtown Philadelphia; it's called Trastevere. The towns in Rome are super cute and quite close together. One tip being in Rome is to always carry a water bottle around with you. It is extremely hot here especially through the summer months. I saw according to there average weather temperatures that it won't start getting cooler until the end of September. Another tip I learned, even though it is quite common in other places, is to pay close attention to your belongings and your surroundings where ever you go because there are so many people that pickpocket here and are great at it. So just like any other country, just make sure you are aware of your surroundings no matter what.

Overall, I am excited to take on these next three and a half months in Rome. I am ready to start classes, even though I am not ready for this homework. I feel like this semester will be extremely laid back and fun especially being in Rome.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Anticipation for Rome, Italy

Today marks 2 weeks until I leave for Rome. My first trip on my own. It’s way more than just a trip it’s a life experience. I will be there for almost 4 months, continuing my studies as a fashion merchandising major. This was a great opportunity to take that my school, Philadelphia University, offered. They have so many opportunities and places to go for people to study abroad.
            In Rome, I hope to travel throughout Europe to as many places as possible. I want to experience as much as possible. I just want this to be the most life changing experience I’ve ever had especially at this stage in my life. I don’t want to waste one second just sitting around waiting for something fun or exciting to happen. I want to meet new people, see new things, and enjoy every passing minute in the present time.
            Being that I am very interested in fashion, I want to go to fashion shows, experience Fashion Week in the top countries of fashion and of course shop. I want everything to be perfect and completely different from my previous experiences.
            The worst thing about this whole experience is the packing part. I absolutely hate packing. The fact that I already over pack for whatever I do and wherever I go do not help my case that this time I have to be super conscious of what I pack. Taking the plane only allows you to take one suitcase and one carry on bag. So me, packing for 4 months seemed impossible when I first thought about it. But now that I am 2 weeks away from being on that plane I had to figure something out to make it work without paying for an extra bag. I invested in compression bags, plenty of compression bags. I have a bag for almost every single thing in my suitcase; jeans, shirts, sweaters, undergarments, and dresses/skirts. I wanted to be able to take everything I know I will wear a little more and also have space to bring back the new things I buy while there!
            This whole experience is still a little unreal at this moment, but I am super excited to see what comes my way. I can’t wait to be with my best friends in Europe on our own, making important life choices while having immeasurable fun together.